Saturday, December 24, 2011

To my Sister

Oh, dear sibling...

I have a sister. For the sake of names, I'll call her Lynn. She's seventeen months older than me, but short and round as I am tall and...round, but distributed evenly. We both have brown hair, hers highlighted with blonde, mine with red. Brown eyes, green eyes. She dresses classy, whereas I wear a relaxed kind of style.  Look-wise, we aren't alike, but you can definitely tell we are sisters, that if our mother was around, people could tell that we take after her. But we are not quite the same. We like the same things, but we are not the same.

She likes Abercrombie and I like Torrid, but that's not really what I want to point out. When dealing with people, you see that she is pretending and you can tell with me I am honest. I refuse to pretend, and she does it every day. But Lynn has always had an attitude, and pretty much bullied me up until now. She still kind of does. She's one of those girls who pretends she accepts other people peculiar ways, and then talks about how 'weird that girl/guy was' when they're gone. We both were molded differently than other people, yet somehow we ended up at opposite spectrums. Probably because of college. She went to a NJ private school that had a tuition of 40k a year and I went to a local community campus much cheaper. She had a very small group of friends and I ended up making a lot of them. I know what you're thinking. Having a lot of friends doesn't mean they were all close ones. Very true. But I found in that large group a smaller group that I love. The difference between our friends was the fact that my friends are real and will do anything for me. Lynn's friends won't last forever and don't really care about her (only because they don't have many friends either).

Lynn doesn't like geeks. Geeks are my friends, the people that really like me and I really like them back. My boyfriend is a geek. I am a geek. Lynn used to be a geek, but she's decided (probably to keep her only best friend and her rich friends from Jersey) that being a 'grownup' is better than being different. And she criticizes me for being lazy (I like relaxing, just because I don't break my neck to work means nothing), not doing anything for her (I was basically her unpaid servant from 4yrs up to 19. I'm almost 22), when I do something for her she is not appreciative. There are so many things that I could complain about. I'm just tired of her bitchyness and her "I know I'm a bitch, but feel sorry for me" bullshit.

Do you want to know what triggered this rant? An engagement.

I went to school with this kid that likes hunting, is kind of a hick (then again, most of the town is 90% hick and there's nothing really wrong with it. But they kind of annoy me if they are uber-hicks), is really hairy (honestly, it's kind of gross), has the nickname of Tatertot (by me and high school friends), and has a slight ego. But I haven't really spoken to him for a year or so. He's probably changed, like most of my class has. And I find out tonight on facebook that he got engaged. On Christmas Eve, cheesy but really sweet and cute. I'm happy for them. But my sister? She doesn't get it. She even said that someone as hairy and gross as him found a girlfriend -whom he wants to marry- and someone like her hasn't ever had a boyfriend.

Lynn...Fate will NOT let you meet your future husband unless you change. Stop being so critical and judgemental, and maybe a guy will like you.


So, until next time kittlies. And I'll try to stay on top of this blog better in the future. Have a Great Christmas everyone, a Good Holiday, Happy Hannukah (I probably spelled that wrong, sorry), and merry good day to all. Night <3

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