Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And here we are

Warning: This isn't for the young people who are ages 8 and under. I believe when you hit 9 years old, you know when or when not to swear. You know your boundaries then, sometimes you don't acknowledge it and go with your urges. It's okay. And warning to people who have a hard time following a person who -persay- goes off track of the RantLikeBlog Train and takes a bus to Somethingelsetown. Trust me, it's going to possibly get weird, in the best way.

I was trying to decide if using 'Otaku' somewhere in the title to make my denomination powerful. The title tells you everything in just a small sweet sentence. That's why I like titles, well, words. And that's one of the reasons I'm a geek. By using That Diabolical Geek, it represents properly what I want from this blog. People view geekdom as a plaguelike creature, something evil. And I have this wonderful image of a geek snatching someone's cookie or another nice treat and that someone shaking their fist after them, shouting. "That Diabolical Geek!" That makes me think of a superhero geek too. So many views from such a small sentence.

Back to Otaku though. I'm not through with that just yet.

But using a term like that, people from all over the world can trip onto my page, and view it wrongly. For instance, Otaku can be a person who had no social life of any sort (a loser, if you will) and therefore has plenty of time to surf the web and watch japanese animation, aka anime. Otaku means social deviant and/or pervert. Or people who know of Miyazaki Tsutomu's story...

Yeah, I can understand why I wouldn't use Otaku either.

As much negative attitude that follows it, I still like the term Otaku, because from my world and understanding, it's just a person who geeks over anime. And by saying geek, I'm paying many compliments. Unlike a lot of not-so-normal-people-trying-to-act-normal people who make out being a geek, nerd, freak and so on, not so glamourous. I'm not looking to be accepted by people who won't admit that they're just as freaky as me. Why should I? From what I've taken from observation and the conjurings of opinions, being normal means you act like a jerk to everyone, dress like you're too easy, look down on people that aren't perfect while you avoid looking in the mirror at that same person. I know too many people like that. I've met guys that are full of themselves and totally oblivious to not knowing how not "hot" it is to thinking you're the shit. I know girls who make fun of someone for being fat while at the same time complaining how fat they are. I'm a big girl, and my sister (who is also big) has a friend (who is not so big AT ALL) that complains about how fat she is. She's beautiful, but doesn't know it. But at the same time, she gussies herself up and goes out to bars looking like a hooch. People most of the time don't make sense.

My sister. Her friend. I can't get started on them. I'll save it for the next blog.

So, I've concluded, purely from observation: Being a geek means being yourself, and being yourself is so bad for your health.

Bullshit. I love how there are shows like Glee, music about staying true to yourself, and life coaches that empower people to be themselves...And yet, there's still a good chunk of human kind that look down on other people. Egos are as common as eggos. Kids have been catching the disease of ego, already preying on the kids that just want to be friends. I'll admit that there are some very strange people out there, some becoming lawyers or murderers, or murderous lawyers. That'd be a pretty sweet plot on Criminal Minds.

I have a habit of spiraling completely off track. Try to keep up, kids.  Besides, the one or two liners give your eyes a break from the paragraphs. That's why they're here. For your eyes' pleasure.

But with the territory of strange people, come from stranger people who find strange people. Sad thing is people don't know how strange they really are. That's why we have the folks who believe they're above eveyone. They refuse to accept that they're weird, like everyone else and not like everyone else.

To the point: I want to use this blog as a better network for Diabolical Geeks like me. Maybe recruit some DG babies. They can start in the closet, and then rocket catapult out of there and geek out with me. With everyone.

And now I leave you kids for a bowl of mushroom soup. Because mushrooms are my soulfood. Along with chocolate goods and other delightful things I'll mention another day.

Catch ya later, kiddies....Kitties... Geekies...

I'm calling you bitches DG Kitties, because cats are awesome. <3

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